Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome to the Veggin' Out blog

Cassandra Sherrill, graphic artist for the Journal: I need to confess something right off the bat: I’m not actually a true vegetarian in many vegetarians’ eyes. I’m what some call a pesce-vegetarian (and others might call a pesky vegetarian). In other words, I eat fish, but no beef, chicken or pork. I think of myself as mostly a vegetarian, but some say there’s no such thing – like being slightly pregnant.

I turned toward vegetarianism because of health as well as ethical reasons. I wanted to be kinder to my cranky digestive system, and also avoid the hormones and antibiotics given to animals raised for food. I also have a deep love for animals, and thinking about them being killed so that I can eat them makes me feel queasy.

It has been a gradual process for me. One year I gave up beef; the next, pork; and the next, poultry. I don’t have any plans to give up fish, but one day, I might decide to do that, too.

Julie Harris, Journal library director: My main reason for being vegetarian is for the animals – I don’t even like to bite into a chocolate Easter Bunny, much less contribute to the horrors inflicted upon real, live animals…. So I try to learn as much as possible about animal-rights issues. My goal is to go completely vegan. (A vegan diet excludes eggs and dairy products as well as meat. Vegans also avoid the use of such animal products as leather and fur.) I see vegetarianism as a journey, as a way to get from the world as it is now to what it ought to be: a place of peace and plenty for all creatures.

But going veg also turned me into a "foodie." There is so much variety and beauty in the vegetable kingdom, and so many delicious new tastes to be discovered. Now I read cookbooks like novels, and enjoy trying new things all the time.

We'll be updating this blog twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. We may post on other days for special occasions or if there is late-breaking news we think you'd like to know about quickly.

Well, enough about us; let’s talk about you. Won’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, and what interests you most about vegetarianism?


At 9/05/2006 4:19 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Restaurants with Veg- and Vegan-Friendly menus would be helpful.

How about an RSS feed?

At 9/05/2006 10:06 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Welcome to the world of food blogging -- I look forward to reading more!

-Mel Umbarger
designer and food blogger at the News & Record

At 9/06/2006 9:39 AM, Blogger Tony said...

We have a small CSA in Germanton, just north of Winston-Salem. Our garden provides fresh, local, organic vegetables on a weekly basis to our subscribers. We are completeing our second year and are taking names for our third. Please see our blog below for great articles, photos of the garden and veggies and to get more information.

At 3/06/2007 10:34 PM, Blogger lauren pressley said...

For the person looking for the RSS feed: you can always get to it for blogspot by adding "rss.xml" to the end of the URL. The feed for this blog is http://journalnowveggie.blogspot.com/rss.xml


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